To provide the keys to building coherent and integrated strategies

Integrated maritime policies have been developing for about thirty years, first in the large maritime and federal countries (Australia, etc.) concerned with coordinating the action of public players, then progressively in all maritime countries, and at all levels (supra-national: regional seas; infra-national: regions, federated states, etc.).

The traditional conception of maritime policy favours sectoral approaches (by economic sector: fishing, transport, etc.) and thematic approaches (environment, defence, etc.).

It is no longer possible with this approach to manage conflicts between uses and the environment (notably the cumulative impacts of multiple activities on the environment), nor the growing conflicts between activities sharing the same space and resources.

The integrated approach makes it possible to deal with these interactions, and beyond, since it allows synergies to be developed between activities: sharing of resources, knowledge, infrastructures, investments, etc. On the basis of a shared vision, coherent strategies and action plans can be developed, implemented and monitored in a concerted manner.

SML & integrated policies

We support your policies at all stages, from initial diagnosis to evaluation.


Analyse the issues and their interactions, today and tomorrow (foresight)


Define a shared vision for the future and translate it into strategies (territorial, sectoral, cross-cutting, etc.)


Develop action plans, monitor their implementation (follow-up and monitoring)


Evaluate policies and action plans, propose revisions