European Commission (DG-MARE)
Partner :
Pole Mer Bretagne Atlantique - PWC Portugal
Website :
The Atlantic Action Plan is the implementation tool of the Atlantic Maritime Strategy (AMS). This strategy brings together 4 EU Member States (Spain, France, Ireland, Portugal) and aims to promote cooperation between them to develop the marine and maritime economy of the area. This action plan, which was adopted in 2013, was updated in 2020 both to align with the European priorities of the Green Pact and to respond to the effects of the economic and health crisis.
In this context, SML is part of the support team for the Atlantic Action Plan as the French National Hub. In this capacity, we play an interface role between this European network and the national actors, notably through the animation of thematic events and a presence at the multiple maritime events in the region. We support the SG MER, the national coordinator for the SMA initiative. The function of the national hub is carried out in close collaboration with the Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique to animate the interested French stakeholders.