European Commission (CINEA and DG-MARE)
Partners :
Ecorys - Mediterranean Sea Cluster
Website :
The WESTMED assistance mechanism supports the implementation of the Western Mediterranean Maritime Strategy and the development of an action plan to implement this strategy.
SML was involved in the feasibility study that led to its establishment in 2017. Since 2018, SML has been involved in the EC-funded assistance mechanism as a National Hub France.
In this respect, SML contributes to the constant monitoring of the maritime data and context of the basin, as well as studies and analyses on maritime economic activities in these different countries, feeding into the development of the 4-pronged strategy (Development of the blue economy, Maritime safety and security, Improvement of skills, Implementation of governance).
In parallel, we actively participate in maritime events in the Region, some of which are organised and facilitated by the Assistance Mechanism, and deliver summaries and recommendations on stakeholder engagement.
Finally, we support the SG MER, the national coordinator who follows the WestMed initiative. The function of the national hub is ensured in close collaboration with the Pôle Mer Méditerranée to animate the interested French stakeholders.