Plan Bleu
Since March 2022, SML is engaged on behalf of Plan Bleu in a study aiming at (i) proposing a core set of indicators for monitoring the Good Ecological Status of Mediterranean Coastal Areas in line with the approaches and decisions of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention and (ii) developing a regional conceptual framework for the intelligence of this set.
The objective of the work is twofold. Firstly, it aims to identify a set of relevant parameters of the environmental state of Coastal Zones, in particular in their terrestrial dimension, including physical (erosion mechanisms, integrity of sedimentary dynamics), biological (level of conservation of coastal ecosystems and associated species), and human (level of development, rate of urbanisation, etc.) variables.
Secondly, it aims to propose a harmonised conceptual framework for the production and sharing of data at basin level based on the inventory of active monitoring and observation mechanisms and networks in the region carried out by the LittOcean association for the benefit of the Plan Bleu.