European Commission (DG-MARE)
Partners :
AETS - Atkins - Eau de web - Pescares - COFAD
Website :
The Maritime Spatial Planning Assistance Mechanism (MSP) is funded by the Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE). It aims to provide technical assistance to EU Member States in the implementation of the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive (2014/EU/89), and to inform the public through the MSP platform which brings together information and resources on EMP processes, among others.
SML is involved since 2019 in the consortium forming the assistance mechanism, and ensures the relationship with the authorities in charge of MSP in the Atlantic and Mediterranean basin member states and contributes to the objectives of the platform: updating national information on MSP, production of technical studies, information watch, identification of "good practices" across Europe, etc.
Renewed since January 2023, the assistance mechanism now aims to assist States in the implementation of their maritime plansThis renewal of the mechanism is marked in particular by the creation of the European Commission's "European Strategy for Sustainable Development", which will be finalised for the majority of them in March 2021 (in accordance with the Directive), as well as in their evaluation and revision. This renewal of the mechanism is notably marked by the creation of the European Blue Foruma network aiming to federate the European maritime community around issues related to the blue economy, in which SML actively participates.
Access to space and water for marine Aquaculture
Technical study (in English)
December 2022
Best-practice guidance in Multi-Use issues and licensing procedures
Technical study (in English)
June 2021
Recommendations for positive interactions between offshore wind farms and fisheries
Technical study (in English)
May 2020