Pays de Brest Metropolitan Cluster
Partner :
The Pays de Brest Metropolitan Cluster (PMPB) wanted to be assisted in carrying out a multifund assessment of its DLAL-FEAMP and LEADER programmes for the period 2015-2022, with a view to preparing its future application as a LAGAP (Local Action Group for Fisheries and Aquaculture - DLAL-FEAMP) and LAG (Local Action Group) carrier structure for the period 2022-2027.
In this context, SML was commissioned to carry out the assessment of the DLAL-FEAMP programme, alongside Eureka 21 in charge of the evaluation of the LEADER programme.
This evaluation was divided into 3 phases:
- Phase 1: Quantitative (number of projects, number of beneficiaries, distribution of the financial envelope, etc.) and qualitative (interviews, review workshop organised with project leaders and members of the governance) inventory. Carrying out a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats).
- Phase 2: Carrying out a benchmark of territories (LAGAP and LAG) in order to identify replicable "good practices" (governance, project monitoring, communication) at the scale of the PMPB and drafting recommendations for the 2022-2027 application.
- Phase 3 Organisation of 2 DLAL-FEAMP consultation workshops (1 face-to-face - 1 virtual) with the territory's stakeholders in order to identify the priority issues and needs for the territory as well as examples of projects that could meet these needs.
In particular, the study made it possible to highlight the added value of the programmes, but also to draw up, alongside the actors in the territory, avenues for improvement and development for the 2022-2027 programme.
Summary of evaluation results
March 2022
Spotlight on a flagship project
December 2021