Summary of the diagnosis
July 2021
Charente-Maritime Regional Shellfish Committee (CRC-17)
Partner :
The shellfish industry is a major sector of activity in Charente-Maritime in both economic and heritage terms, but it nevertheless faces many difficulties (environmental issues, social acceptability, attractiveness of the industry).
The Regional Shellfish Growing Committee wanted to be supported in carrying out a study aimed at highlighting the multiple contributions of the sector to the territory and thus strengthening the knowledge and acceptability of the profession.
The study was carried out in three phases:
- Phase 1: Socio-economic and territorial diagnosis of the shellfish industry in Charente-Maritime
Crossed approach (i) qualitative through a series of interviews and an analysis of the sector's contribution to the territory's Maritime and Coastal Capital (Stratégies Mer et Littoral) and (ii) quantitative through the implementation of the ImpacTer tool (Vertigo Lab) allowing the calculation of the sector's direct, indirect and induced economic spin-offs on the territory The diagnosis includes a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats, Opportunities) of the sector.
- Phase 2: Opportunity study
Analysis of the regulatory and strategic frameworks relevant to CRC17's action in order to identify how the sector and its interests (socio-economic and environmental issues) are taken into account and what levers for action (in financial, strategic or governance terms) can be activated by CRC17.
- Phase 3: Action plan for the Charente-Maritime CRC
Drafting of an action plan based on 4 strategic axes and associated action sheets. Each action sheet identifies a target audience, a scope of action, and synergies with actions already carried out by the CRC17. This action plan aims to ensure the resilience of the sector, with a diversified entrepreneurial fabric along its value chain and fully integrated into the socio-economic ecosystem of Charente-Maritime, and to make the sector a player recognised at all levels for its weight, its contribution to the territories and its action for the environment