As part of a series of consecutive EC-funded projects, SML has been involved in a number of initiatives to benefit the countries of the Black Sea (Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Georgia, Russia, Ukraine and Moldavia)) :
- Raising awareness of the blue economy through workshops.
- Quantitative and qualitative assessment of the blue economy at national and regional level, with the production of country fact sheets on the blue economy
- Exchange of best practice and creation of synergies with relevant regional programmes.
- Building the capacity of key government officials and private sector stakeholders in Black Sea countries to adhere to maritime policy principles in policy planning and coordination, particularly in areas with potential for sustainable blue growth
- Drafting of the common maritime agenda for the Black Sea region, to be approved in Bucharest in May 2019 https://black-sea-maritime-agenda.ec.europa.eu/key-documents
- Setting up and running a structured dialogue and coordination on maritime affairs (including marine research) in the Black Sea countries and at regional level with the Maritime Agenda Steering Committee.
- Support for the implementation of the maritime agenda at regional and national level (2020-2022) - development of projects, dedicated communication and organisation of events
On these projects, SML contributed its expertise in the blue economy and coordinated project activities, including the Black Sea Assistance Mechanism (BSAM), with the coordination of a network of national hubs in the beneficiary countries (2020-2022).